
Dr. Mary Murray and Dr. Erika Schaeffer are OB-GYN’s that offer women advanced technology in the form of robotic-assisted hysterectomies at Southern Connecticut Women's Health Care Associates with locations in Milford, CT, and Westport, CT. This and other laparoscopic options for hysterectomies allow women to experience faster recovery and improved quality of life.

How Have Hysterectomies Changed?

Hysterectomies have changed a lot over the last decade. Thanks to our newest technology, we now offer robotic-assisted hysterectomies that are faster, easier on women, and offer less chance of infection, reduction in post-surgical pain, and quicker recovery. This is made possible by new techniques such as laparoscopically assisted hysterectomies.

Why Might I Need a Hysterectomy?

A common reason for hysterectomy is to check for uterine cancer and or ovarian cancer. Other reasons for hysterectomy include uterine fibroids; in fact, this is the most common reason women need hysterectomies. As our bodies change with age, uterine prolapse can be a cause for hysterectomy.

Is There a Type of Hysterectomy That Does Not Leave Scarring?

Scarring depends on the type of hysterectomy you have. A vaginal hysterectomy does not require an incision as the uterus is removed through the vaginal canal. There are three versions of hysterectomies that are minimally invasive, including laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy, laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy, and robotic-assisted hysterectomy. These three options result in little to no scarring as all three use micro-incisions rather than open surgery. In the past, the only option was an abdominal hysterectomy which opened the abdomen and then removed the uterus and reproductive parts. Dr. Murray's expertise in minimally invasive Robotic Surgery has given her the skills to perform any Hysterectomy with utmost care, leaving little to no scarring.

What is Robot-Assisted Hysterectomy?

Dr. Mary Murray offers minimally invasive GYN surgeries which are robot-assisted. A robotic-assisted hysterectomy is performed by Dr. Murray, not a robot. With advanced training, she uses a computer that features advanced optics and robotic tools that are controlled by the computer. The advantage of this type of hysterectomy is that the incisions into the abdomen are smaller and that the surgery itself is easier because the robotic tools reach into places where the doctor's hands cannot. The robotic arms also do not deal with human fatigue and can be positioned at odd angles without stress. For more information, please visit the Robotic Surgery page.